After my morning walk around Copenhagen I boarded a train bound across the Øresund Bridge that connect Denmark to Sweden. I caught the train at Nørreport Station with no troubles finding which ticket to purchase as this is a very common route for Danes and travellers alike. I was very impressed with how efficient the trains ran at the station. When one passed through the next one quickly came after it and soon enough I was on my way.
I met my lovely friend Jamie at the train station and she went about showing me her beautiful city. I had not been to a city in Europe where I had my own personal guide and translator so this was a treat. Our first stop after leaving the train station was to look at the Non-Violence sculpture by Swedish artist Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd. The sculpture was made after John Lennon was murdered and has sixteen copies around the world so it was cool to see one of the originals.
We explored some of the more industrial sites of Malmö and I was surprised to find a seagull feeding its young in a bush. I have never seen such a young bird so was quite interested. Jamie, a non bird lover was disgusted by me. Only joking, a little bit.
As we headed around the water we found the Turning Torso, a building that is quite hard to miss. It is the largest building in the Nordic countries at 190 meters or 623 feet with 54 stories and 147 apartments.
As we walked around more I found a lovely cat sunning itself. I had to attempt to pet the beautiful thing and the cat obliged me. One of the highlights for sure. After my kitty cuddling we admired the Øresund Bridge that I had crossed over to reach Sweden.
We walked along the waterfront, enjoying the very sunny and hot weather. Coming across a small park, I managed to snap a photo of a Swede in her natural habitat. We continued walking until we came across Malmö Castle which originates from 1434 but the one we saw was from 1530. I was very impressed by it but we did not stop to go inside.
Continuing our walk, Jamie showed me some very charming and very colourful houses. They all seemed to have lovely flowers outside of them and I happily snapped away. I am definitely a flower snapper.
Into the city centre we wandered, doing a spot of shopping after we had stopped for lunch at a burger bar. I seemed to be really into cacti, picking up a few prints and a ceramic cactus. Souvenirs of a fabulous day.
The above sculpture is called the Optimistic Orchestra. An amusing piece by Yngve Lundell.

We ended the tour by getting a million pounds worth of pick and mix and exploring a free art exhibit. Both of us weren't too keen on the exhibit so we decided to part ways as I knew Jamie's time in Sweden was precious and she could be spending time with her family versus showing her clueless Canadian friend around. I am so thankful for the tour of Malmö and that I got to see her home city and where she grew up. Soon I had purchased my ticket and was shooting across the Øresund Bridge to Copenhagen.
A+ post.