Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Chester Zoo

This past Sunday on the 7th of February, I ventured to the Chester Zoo with my fabulous friend Jamie. Not one to turn down an invitation to go to a zoo, I met her in town and we took the train from Liverpool Central to Chester. Arriving in Chester, we hopped on the next bus heading for the zoo. We had cleverly gotten rail, bus and zoo admission all in one transaction.  Reaching the zoo by the various marked signs after we got off the bus, we entered the zoo and were handed a map. 

I gave up using the map at Jamie's urging and we headed through the zoo, the weather optimistic. The elephant enclosure was quite impressive and even included a large waterfall shower for them. As we continued along, we found the Malayan Tapirs and I resisted spending ages looking at them. 

Giraffes, jaguars, flamingos oh my. For the amount of animals we could see there seemed to be an equal amount of animals that had no interest in being seen. Not sure if it was the chilly temperatures but we found a lot of empty enclosures which dampened some of the experience.

We enjoyed watching the guy above swim around with his three buddies. Managed to get him giving me a big smile. 

Happily I found the lovely Brazilian Tapir family having a cuddle. There is a fourth baby tapir at the back between the two larger tapirs. Could not get a good shot of him because you could hardly see it. I don't think a lot of people knew about the baby born in December. Their enclosure was a bit hard to look in, the glass being quite dirty. Experience would have been better if I had been able to see that damn baby and maybe if I could have touched the tapirs. Otherwise, good job Chester Zoo on having two types. Jamie remained unimpressed by my love of tapirs. Nothing new there.

I love Chester Zoo. No tapir themed items in the gift shop. No luck. Bonus baby elephant photo.

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